Passive Social Income Blog Post How To Grow TikTok Account 2021 Phone

How To Grow Tiktok Account 2021. Before we begin this process, I would like to give you just a little background about myself and explain why I believe I can help you grow your TikTok account.

I first started my TikTok account back in July 2020, but after posting some videos and not seeing any results, I quit.

Nowadays, it seems like everybody wants instant gratification. We’re always in a rush to see results, and if those results don’t come right away, we quit or move on to something else.  Even if we get positive results, if they’re not the exact results we were expecting, we often feel like it was a failure.  

There are also those times we’ll come up with the most ridiculous excuses as to why it didn’t work out, which then leads to us justifying ourselves in quitting prematurely.

Am I right?

Like many people, I lacked patience and a full understanding of what TikTok truly is about. Sure, I was posting quality videos daily, which is a good practice by the way (more on that later). But I was just not seeing any positive results. I never took the time to think about how TikTok actually works.

Have you?

For example, have you ever thought about or come up with questions like the ones below?  And if so, how many different answers did you come up with?


  • Why are some creators are successful, and others are not, even though they post the same type of content?
  • Why do my videos sometimes get a massive amount of  comments while my other videos do not?

Asking myself these types of questions forced me to think on a deeper level about how TikTok works. I spent months trying to find the answers to these questions. I wanted to know why I wasn’t growing on TikTok. It wasn’t until I changed my thought process and the type of content I was creating that my account finally started to grow.  Working smarter, not harder, I went from:

A. 251 followers on 12.10.2020
B. 17.3k followers on 3.05.2021

How To Grow TikTok Account 2021 Example Proof Part 1 @bodybuildinghq
How To Grow TikTok Account 2021 Example Proof Part 2 @bodybuildinghq

You’re probably saying to yourself, “But wait, how do we know he’s telling the truth? This is cap.” For those of you who don’t know what ‘cap’ means, it refers to someone who is lying; this is why you’ll see Cap emojis in the TikTok Comment section of videos.  If you reverse that, what do you get?

Hint: (no cap), go on the App to my profile and check out the Upload Date of my videos.

It serves as a digital timestamp for me having only 251 Followers on December 10, 2020 (and then increasing to 17.3k Followers just ~3 months later).

Naturally, I wanted to try out my ideas before making any claim of their effectiveness so made a test account on January 20, and repeated the process all over again. And guess what?

It worked!

I gained 400+ followers in my first week and then another 2600+ the following week. Again, feel free to check the timestamp(s) if you don’t believe me.

Hint: (no cap), go on the App to my profile and check out the Upload Date of my videos.

It serves as a digital timestamp for me having only 251 Followers on December 10, 2020 (and then increasing to 17.3k Followers just ~3 months later).

Naturally, I wanted to try out my ideas before making any claim of

Hint: (no cap), go on the App to my profile and check out the Upload Date of my videos.

It serves as a digital timestamp for me having only 251 Followers on December 10, 2020 (and then increasing to 17.3k Followers just ~3 months later).

Naturally, I wanted to try out my ideas before making any claim of their effectiveness so made a test account on January 20, and repeated the process all over again. And guess what?

It worked!

I gained 400+ followers in my first week and then another 2600+ the following week. Again, feel free to check the timestamp(s) if you don’t believe me.

their effectiveness so made a test account on January 20, and repeated the process all over again. And guess what?

It worked!

I gained 400+ followers in my first week and then another 2600+ the following week. Again, feel free to check the timestamp(s) if you don’t believe me.

How To Grow TikTok Account 2021 Example Proof Part 1 @fypguide Create It
Week 1
Week 2

But maybe it was just luck right?  After all, once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times a trend and if I did it four times, a set standard. 

Also, I accidentally made the mistake of forgetting to record my progress from Day 1 (a screenshot showing my first post only). In other words, there would be no way for me to show you that I didn’t start out with the 413 followers.

In order to correct my error and erase any doubt from your mind that I have unlocked the secret door to the TikTok algorithm., I went out and created a Third, Fourth, and Fifth test account, with each having similar results.  


5 Followers on 1.29.2021
1099 Followers by 1.31.2021


0 Followers on 2.15.2021
1009 Followers by 2.17.2021


36 Followers on 2.26.2021
1006 Followers by 3.02.2021

There are plenty of people on TikTok claiming to know how to grow accounts, but do they have evidence? 

If you’re struggling with growing your account on TikTok, I can help.  The methods and strategies I’ve developed can help you when applied properly.  

After all, life is all about moving forward and helping others to do the same. This is how new ideas enter the world, how new inventions and businesses are created, and how life can be improved for every one of us.

If you want to know the secret on how to grow your TikTok account in 2021, then read below to find out.

6 Ways to Grow TikTok Account in 2021

#1 Determine the Purpose of Your TikTok Account

If you want to grow your TikTok account in 2021, you must first ask yourself: What is the purpose of my TikTok account?

If you have never thought about the answer to this question, now is the time. Or maybe you have, and like many others, be tempted to answer, “To get TikTok famous of course!”

But how? How will you achieve this goal?

To help you figure this out, consider the following:

  1. What are your interests?
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. Do you have any school or job related skills?
  4. What can you do that is different than others?
  5. What do have around where you live (or travel) that’s interesting and can record?
  6. Why would someone want to follow you?
    • If someone is going to give you their time, what does your content offer them in return? Can they:
      • Be entertained by you?
      • Learn something from you?
      • Or both?
    • Remember, time is more valuable than money itself since we can’t make more of it. Unless, of course, we somehow invent a Time Machine or if Infinity Stones were, in fact, actually real.

Coming up with the answers to these questions will help guide you in creating your content. If you’re having trouble growing your TikTok account, it might be due to your lack of direction. Once you know the purpose of your TikTok account and have an idea of what you can offer others, move on to the next section.

#2 Pick the Right TikTok Username

Pick the Right TikTok Username.  Have you ever thought about the importance of your TikTok username, or did you simply pick a fun name that you liked? Maybe you tried getting your real name, but it was already taken, so you resorted to choosing something similar.

Now I know this sounds like the right choice to make, but it’s quite possible that this is in fact, the wrong choice for you to make. This simple decision could actually be what is holding you back from gaining views or followers.

You’re probably asking yourself, “What is he talking about?” Stay with me for a moment and I’ll explain everything.


  • In order to understand what I’m talking about, think about when you first meet somebody and they introduce themselves to you. Sometimes it’s a quick, “Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is _______.” Then it’s followed by some small talk and a goodbye; other times, a longer conversation.

Regardless of how long the conversation turns out to be, how often do you find yourself unable to remember the person’s name? If you’re like me, you’re probably nodding your head in agreement with this scenario.

Recalling the name of a person sounds like a simple everyday task, but is in fact, quite problematic for us and our human brains.

Names are difficult to remember since they are random bits of information; information that has no importance in your life. Therefore, your brain doesn’t make the neural connections necessary to store it as a memory. 

In contrast, if I were to mention a popular video game you’ve played (Call of Duty, Fortnite, Roblex, etc.) or sporting event you attended, it would probably bring up all kinds of images for you.

Unless it’s your actual name and somehow, still available on TikTok, choose a name that is unique, but easy to remember.


  • Create a username directly related to the content you’re creating.
  • Example:
    • @bodybuildinghq conveys to users that I most likely post content related to bodybuilding, fitness, etc.
    • @fypguide conveys that the content on this profile will be related to the FYP page.
    • If a person is interested in these subjects, they might visit the profiles simply because of the username.


  • If I had the same username(s), but posted content not related to bodybuilding or food it could potentially turn people away.

Sometimes I’ll ignore this advice if I happen to notice a certain Trend (hashtag, sound, challenge, etc.) occurring early on and want to capitalize on it, but for the most part, I stick to only posting content related to those fields; more on this later.


  • Unless it’s your actual name, and somehow, still available on TikTok, choose a name that is unique, but easy to remember.
    • Keep in mind, many people may have the same first name (Ex. John , Matt, Jennifer, Sarah, etc.).
  • Pair your name with your content (Ex. @witchzmusic)

Over the years, scientists have studied this occurrence, and have come up with 

Most people find proper naming tasks very challenging. Indeed, a common memory complaints in older adults is difficulty recalling proper names (Leirer et al. 1990). This can be explained by the fact that face-name pairings are arbitrary; there is nothing in a person’s face or demeanor that provides a clue about what their name might be. Retrieving the correct proper name also evokes severe retrieval competition, given that many people may have the same first name (e.g. John Lennon, John Rockeller, John F. Kennedy, John the Baptiste, etc.).


Names are difficult to remember because they are random information. And humans are notoriously terrible at remembering arbitrary information. This is true whether we’re talking about telephone numbers, historical dates, or someone’s name.

Arbitrary information is difficult to remember because there’s not a lot to connect it to in your brain. In contrast, an object such as a “coffee cup” brings up all kinds of images. A coffee cup might make you think of your morning ritual, the brand of coffee you drink, or sharing a conversation with friends.

Names, for the most part, don’t conjure up the same vivid imagery. Sure, the name of your parents, siblings, or partner might bring up many memories and images. But for the most part, names don’t give our brains a lot to latch onto (especially when we meet someone for the first time).

Does your content support the vibe you are going for?

    • This can include, but is not limited to, props, products, video filters, effects, background music, captions, lighting, etc.
      • For example, let’s say you’re trying to grow your account by teaching something. In your videos, you should consider trying out different types of lighting, props,

For example, let’s say you’re a chef and you’re trying to showcase a cooking video. Is it supposed to be instructional? Or are you simply showing off?  If it’s instructional, it might be a good idea to:

      • Lower the background music.
      • Speak at a slower pace so people can follow you along.
        • The reverse of this, however, can also be used to your benefit in some cases. For example, while you’re recording your video, say the last few words or last sentence faster. This way, people will then have to re-watch your video to get the last bit of details if they weren’t paying full attention in the first place.
      • Use captions.
        • People could be scrolling their FYP feed in a public space or late at night. If so, their volume might be turned down or on silent. Without something to read, they would probably keep scrolling and you losing out on a potential new friend/follower/customer.
      • Break it up into parts; as in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 since the maximum length of a TikTok video is 60 seconds. This is another way to encourage your followers to return to your profile for the follow-up videos.  Or maybe use it as an announcement to join your LIVE video stream of your cooking.

Again, all of this depends on the purpose of your TikTok account.

Then, based off your responses, go ahead and answer the following questions:

  1. Who is your target audience?
    1. Your target audience refers to the specific group of people who will watch your videos and follow you along in your TikTok journey. Some factors to consider would be their age, gender, income, location, interests, hobbies, and so on.


If you’re new to TikTok, answer these questions before you create your account. It will help give you guidance on the type of content you should make, who your target audience is,  and mistakes to avoid.

If you already have an account, answering these questions can also benefit you since they might help you discover what mistakes you’re potentially making and how to fix them.

TikTok Username